Lab taster day: Molecular biological research in Medicine

Apr 04 - 2018

During a one-day visit to the laboratories, the students got to know different working methods that are used in the context of biomedical research. Therefore, the theoretical as well as the practical background of basic research was conveyed. After giving the students an insight into the basics of molecular biology, they isolated DNA, performed different histological stainings of tissue sections and had a look at several tissue specimens under the microscope - all under the guidance of PhD students and lab technicians. This gave the students the possibility to get an idea of how a job in the field of basic biomedical research can look like, which normally stays hidden behind closed doors.
This trial day was organized as a joint effort of the Consortium SFB/TRR219 funded by the German Research Foundation, and of the European ITN projects CaReSyAn and INTRICARE.

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