Report on INTRICARE online courses 2020

Dec 15 - 2020

Three successive educational modules related to Business & Entrepreneurship, Diagnostic Commercialization and Pharmaceutical Commercialization, were held in the form of virtual lectures this fall between Nov 11th and Dec 9th. The program was developed in collaboration among the Vascular Surgery group and doctoral programs for Developmental and Regeneration and Cardiovascular Research at Karolinska Institute (KI).

The activities were envisioned to strengthen the transferable skill portfolio and targeted primarily to PhD students belonging to the EU Marie Curie ITN networks INTRICARE and CaReSyAn. However, these advanced seminars covering hot topics related to collaborations between academia and industry, attracted broader audience with mixed backgrounds (clinical, basic researchers, PhD students, postdocs, PIs, etc.), in addition to international PhD students from several large European centers (i.e. Maastricht University, Karolinska Institutet, RWTH Aachen, Gent University, Utrecht University, Leuven, INSERM, etc.).

Assist Prof Ljubica Matic, Assoc Prof Karolina Kublickiene and Prof Ulf Hedin acted as Organisers and Hosts for the three seminars, that were composed of virtual lectures by high-level representatives from the Big Pharma Industry and Academia, talking about aspects related to academia-industry partnering strategies, IP issues and patenting, diagnostic or therapeutic target developments from bench to bedside, etc. The webinars also encompassed motivational lectures with practical examples of research projects that have led to clinical developments. Each speaker acted also as a motivational leader by presenting their career pathways in addition to challenges in front for the execution of their selected professional choices.

Click here for the full report of the courses.

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